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a hundred shots, a hundred bull’s-eyes
百发百中  detail>>
buyers want a hundred eyes
买东西的要有百只眼,卖东西的可以不长眼  detail>>
 n.  1.一百的记号〔100或C〕。 2.〔 pl.〕数以百计;许多。 3.一百个一组,一百个人[物]一组。 4.【体育】百米[码]赛跑...  detail>>
a hundred miles ,a hundred miles
一百哩,一百哩  detail>>
a cool hundred
百镑巨款  detail>>
a great hundred
一百二十  detail>>
a hundred and five
一百零五  detail>>
a hundred and one
许多的  detail>>
a hundred and twenty
一百二  detail>>
a hundred miles
一百哩  detail>>
a hundred or so
百十  detail>>
a hundred percent
百分之百, 完全  detail>>
a hundred to one
一百与一的比  detail>>
a long hundred
一百二十  detail>>
eight hundred
八百  detail>>
five hundred
五百;五百分〔纸牌游戏〕。   detail>>
four hundred
〔也作 F- H-〕 名士,名流〔前面加 the, 原指纽约的四百知名人士,通指当地的名士、名流〕。   detail>>
four in hundred
四张一百元面额  detail>>